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Trusted Pet Sitter in Cambridgeshire: Your Pet’s Best Friend

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Are you a pet owner in Cambridgeshire? Are you planning a holiday or perhaps work commitments mean having to leave your beloved pets behind? As a lifelong pet owner myself, I understand totally how stressful leaving our pets can be for many pet owners.

There are of course several options when it comes to caring for your pet/s whilst you’re away. Kennels, boarding (where your pet/s is looked after in someone else’s home) or a pet sitter.

Personally, I’ve not been a fan of kennels for my own dogs in the past, not because the care wasn’t good, but because my dogs always returned either stressed out or completely exhausted due to not sleeping much at the kennels due to the strange environment and lack of regular human interaction.

Home boarding is a better option as your pet would be in someone else’s home environment which whilst it isn’t their own home, generally they are going to have human companionship for most of the day.

But in my opinion, a pet sitter is by far the best option when it comes to the happiness of your pets.

It can be stressful enough on your pet/s when you are not there, but allowing them to remain in their own homes, sticking to their own routines, familiar walks and neighbourhood will go a long way in minimising their anxiety that their owners are not around.

Cambridgeshire Pet Sitter

I’m very familiar with Cambridge and Cambridgeshire having owned a house in Haverhill, Suffolk which borders on the Cambridgeshire border. The vast majority of my IT career was spent working for software companies headquartered in Cambridge. And whilst I have done a fair bit of travelling around the UK, East Anglia still very much feels like ‘home’ to me.

I am currently undertaking a long-term photography project to document as much of the UK in images and video as I can. You can learn more about that project, and indeed me, on this blog post.

Pet sitting affords me the opportunity to visit cities, towns and villages all across the UK to be included in my photography project. But most importantly, it provides me with the opportunity to spend time with animals. For as long as I can remember, I have had a dog in my life (and still do, more on that below) and have owned a vast variety of animals of all sizes, shapes and species.

An image showing the Bridge of Sighs along River Cam in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire. Several punting boats are on the river with tourists on board.
Bridge of Sighs, Cambridge, UK. © Elton Cilliers

Cambridgeshire places of interest

There are simply far too many places of interest I’d like to visit in Cambridgeshire, so rather than bore you to tears with a long list of items, I’ll provide a comprehensive list of the cities, towns and villages I’d love to see.

  • Cambridge
  • Cambourne
  • St. Ives
  • Peterborough
  • Huntingdon
  • St Neots
  • Ely
  • Soham
  • Waterbeach

If your town or village doesn’t appear in the above list, rest assured that I cover the entirety of Cambridgeshire and East Anglia!

What to expect from me as your pet sitter

When you engage with me to provide pet-sitting services you can rest assured that you are dealing with an absolute professional. I run my own website design and SEO consultancy business as a sole trader and have had a very successful career in the IT industry with responsibilities including technical sales and account management. I’m therefore very aware of the importance of word-of-mouth referrals and customer satisfaction. Whether you are engaging with me to watch your pet, build you a website, or take photographs of your wedding my top priority is always to deliver an exceptional service so that you will be happy to tell your friends and family about me!

But don’t just take my word for it, have a look at my reviews provided by very happy clients I have provided pet sitting for.

My reviews

Important things to note

As mentioned on my website which also contains several other frequently asked questions, there are a few key items you need to be aware of before deciding whether I am a right fit for your requirements. These include:

  • I travel in a small motorhome. It measures 6m long (7.5m when I first arrive as I tow a motorcycle) by 2.3m wide by 2.8m high. I will need to park it off-road so can only consider sits where your property has a sufficiently large driveway to accommodate the motorhome.
  • I travel with a 13-year-old Staffordshire terrier. He does NOT interact with the pets that I sit due to severe arthritis and his age he much prefers just to sleep his days away.
  • I do NOT sleep with pets.
  • I sleep in my motorhome overnight. As I spent the vast majority of the day with the pets I sit, I sleep in my van overnight to spend some time with my dog.

What’s included in my daily rate

Included in my daily fee is of course companionship for your pet/s and:

  • feeding in accordance with their regular schedule
  • walking dogs for up to 1 hour per day. This can either be one 1 hour walk or split across 2 half an hour walks.
  • Cleaning up after the pet/s
  • Administering any medication is required
  • Playtime – tug-o-war, fetch etc.
  • Lots of cuddles

Got questions? Want to book me as your pet sitter?

Use the contact form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please do ensure you have read the frequently asked questions on my website to ensure that I am the right fit for you.

I look forward to hearing from you 😄

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